Divorce Attorney

For Spouses Who Want to Protect Themselves And Their Children

divorce lawyer nashville tn

Divorce Attorney in Nashville Explains the Basics of Ending a Marriage

Strong advocacy for spouses who want to protect themselves and their children

Ending any relationship is a traumatic experience. Terminating a marriage means more than just being able to start new relationships. Divorce must be done in the right way to protect your marital property and provide for your financial future and your children's future. Spouses need to balance the desire to obtain a quick divorce with the need to make the necessary emotional adjustments so that you can calmly assess and prioritize your needs.

At The Law Office Of Tara Carter, our divorce lawyers, are respected by our clients and our legal peers for our ability to guide spouses through the divorce process. We advise spouses about the different types of divorces available in Tennessee and how each type can affect your rights. Our respected divorce attorneys also explain that when spouses divorce, they need to resolve all related family issues. We fight to get our clients the best division of property, the right alimony award, custody orders or agreements that last and serve the children's best interest, and the right child support awards.

To obtain a divorce, spouses can either agree to a divorce or show they have grounds for a divorce. An uncontested/agreement divorce often means obtaining a divorce in a relatively short time frame. To be eligible for an uncontested divorce the parties must agree on all terms of the divorce, meet the residency requirements, agree to end the marriage and reach an agreement on the following:

  • Division of marital property
  • Division of marital debt
  • Child custody if they have children
If the parties agree to all these terms, they will enter into a Marital Dissolution Agreement and Parenting Plan (if applicable). In Tennessee, the divorce can be granted 60 days after a complaint for divorce is filed - if there are no children. The waiting period for uncontested divorces for spouses with children is 90 days.

An experienced Tennessee divorce lawyer can even arrange to waive a final hearing for these couples which saves you time and money.

Grounds for a Tennessee divorce if the divorce is contested

Couples who aren't eligible for an uncontested divorce must prove that one of the following grounds for divorce applies

  • Adultery
  • Malicious desertion for over a year
  • The other spouse remarried
  • The other spouse was convicted of a felony and prison confinement
  • An inability of one spouse to procreate
  • Habitual substance abuse that developed after the marriage

There are other grounds our experienced Murfreesboro, divorce lawyers explain to spouses seeking contested divorces.

Additional considerations

Spouses can also obtain a legal separation in Tennessee. Some of the reasons for pursuing a legal separation instead of divorce are:

  • To help verify the spouses are separated so the waiting period for a divorce can start
  • To allow for time to review whether the parties should divorce or get back together
  • For financial reasons such as keeping a spouse on the other spouse's insurance policy
During the legal separation, child custody and support issues do need to be resolved.

At The Law Office Of Tara Carter Law, our divorce lawyers have helped numerous spouses and parents navigate the difficult decision to obtain a divorce. We use our right to discover what assets your spouse has and our network of financial and accounting professionals to protect your financial interests. We work with counselors and psychologists to address the needs of your children. We work with mediators when your spouse is being reasonable, but we advocate in court before family judges when your spouse is not cooperative.

For help now please call us at (615) 495-6000 or use our online contact form to schedule an appointment. We see clients in Nashville, Goodlettsville, Murfreesboro, Lebanon, Brentwood, Hendersonville, and the surrounding areas.